There is a vast amount of information out there about many different conditions it can be hard to know where to start reading. On this page you will find some useful links to websites or video clips that I have looked at and feel could be helpful. They are well written by people with expertise or who are specialists in their field.
Pain information
Our understanding of pain has changed over the last 20 years and we now know that pain is an output of the brain in response to a painful stimulus. This stimulus maybe a physical one but can also be a thought or a feeling that is perceived as a painful stimulus, sometimes without us even realising the thought or feeling is contributing to the pain.
Take time to explore the resources below as research is now starting to show that education on pain neurophysiology is a helpful tool to manage persistent pain. Starting to understand how pain works is one of the first steps to managing it better.
- A useful booklet on persistent pain can be found here
- Free from back pain is a fantastic resource with information for people with LBP written by New Zealand experts
- A 5 and then a 10 minute you tube link on persistent pain and what helps:
- Back pain – separating fact from fiction – Prof Peter O’Sullivan is a leading researcher and lecturer on low back pain
- Other useful websites with information on pain and persistent pain
- Lorimer Mosley has done a lot of research on pain neurophysiology and neuro-education this is a good talk but you will find most of his work informative
- Neuroplasticity: this video explains how the brain can adapt and change to many different things, including pain (“nerves that fire together wire together and nerves that fire apart depart”)
Other conditions
- Shoulder rehabilitation is a good option: Dr Jeremy Lewis
- Perfect posture doesn’t exist Dr Greg Lehman
- Bradcliff Breathing Method
See below for a video that shows where the diaphragm is and how it functions
Evidenced Based Resources
I try and stay up to date on what is the best management for your condition. If you want to explore for yourself what is the best evidence based treatments for your condition you can explore on this site:
Healthinfo is a local Waitaha Canterbury site with reliable health information on a wide range of health issues put together by local health experts:
Falls Prevention
National Falls prevention website has lots of information about the benefits of exercise for ageing well and links to classes as well as virtual classes to join:
Super Seven exercises to keep you upright are available here: